

このページは 速報ガイド!英語テキスト2015-3 の電子ブックに掲載されている25ページの概要です。


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256【いろいろな質問をしたり、返事したりできる】A: Where can I find that book?B: In the library.A: ( )B: I don’t know.a) When does the library open? b) Did you go to the library?c) Do you know the library? d) What’s that?7【食べ物や飲み物を注文できる】A: What would you like?B: ( )A: Can I get you something to eat?B: Yes, I’ll have the grilled chicken.a) I’ll have an iced tea, please. b) Yes, thank you.c) I’d like to have the steak. d) Yes, I think so.8【アドバイスを求めたり、与えたりできる】A: I really like your mom’s food. The dinner she made last nightwas delicious!B: She isn’t a professional chef, but she is a great cook.A: I want to learn how to cook traditional British food. ( )B: Why don’t you learn from my mom?a) Can you tell me what I should cook?b) Why is she such a good cook?c) I have no idea.d) I wonder where I can learn how to do that.会話・表現問題(  )に入る最も適切なものを選択肢から1 つ選んでください。出題・解説:佐藤久美子