

このページは 速報ガイド!英語テキスト2015-3 の電子ブックに掲載されている26ページの概要です。


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269【人の特徴について尋ねたり、描写・説明したりできる】A: Do you see that guy over there talking to the piano player?B: ( )A: That’s right. He’s Judy’s old friend from schooland he’s studying in Canada now.B: He must have some great stories to tell. Let’s go and say hello!a) Can you introduce him to me? b) The tall man wearing a black shirt?c) Can you understand where he’s from? d) I can see some new faces.10【丁寧に同意したり、反対したりできる】A: I can’t think why you bought that blouse without trying it on.B: I thought it would fit me just fine.A: I think you should take that back.B: ( )a) Do you mind if I go with you?b) I think you can change it for bigger one.c) I’m afraid they don’t give refunds.d) Do they mind if I try it on?英語力測定テスト